A rather excited Leo started at Ashton Vale Primary School this morning and having only been there from 9am through to 11.30am, he's still talking and talking about it now!!
Last week was what we now think will be our 'new' normality - spending time with friends and family most of the week interspersed with school now...plus a trip to the hospital. Most weeks this school term until Christmas Leo has a hospital appointment for different reasons so he will be used to school and hospital in the same week most of the time!
He had an MRI scan on Saturday - the results of which are unknown right now. The regular 2 monthly chest x-ray is due next Wednesday and so is his check-up with the oncologist which seems to have come around rather quickly this time.
We were fortunate enough to meet up with family last week on a day trip out to Thorpe Park. It was fabulous to see Leo holding hands with Charlie (his second cousin) and we all really enjoyed a queue-free day and getting really soaked on the log flume ride!!
Leo and I also went to the International Kite Festival yesterday with some friends; their daughter is currently having treatment for leukemia and so it's nice to meet up with people who live every day with the same fears PJ and I seem to constantly battle with.
Anyway, Leo loved school today especially as his school uniform is red and he also met up with some children with whom he spent a little time before the summer holidays when he popped into pre-school on a few occasions.
Tomorrow is a new day...and more school for Leo! Yippee!