Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bald is beautiful

PJ has been telling me for years that bald is beautiful and it really is...we were trying to give Leo is oral meds (antibiotics for his infection of the line site) and when he sat up again, there was a mound of his long blond hair on my black top - no book on cancer tells you not to wear black when hair is falling out by the truckload.

It was a bit of a shock that a) it's already falling out as in our minds we thought it would take three weeks or so, and b) that it fell out so readily. You only have to smooth his hair down and a handful of hair comes with it!

So PJ cut his hair completely tonight and looks more handsome for it, having also had a shave for the first time in what seems like weeks; and then I cut Leo's hair too and he was fine with it. I'll upload some pics once I'm able. He looks younger but older at the same time, if that's possible. Plus I've told him his hair will be even shorter soon and then it'll grow back. He asked to look in the mirror and so I lifted him up, and then he started admiring himself!! Cheeky so-and-so! At least now as his hair continues to fall out, it won't be as obvious, or so we hope.

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