Woo hoo! As Leo says! We now have a car and feel free for the first time in ages. Not that free as at present we're not allowed more than an easy 30 minute drive from Bristol Children's Hospital due to the need for treatment if / when his temp spikes. Even so, we never thought we'd be more happy than a trip to Boots today, on our own, in our own car!
Leo is okay today but still off his food which is a longer period than normal, and if anything, he's eaten and drunk less today than earlier days this week. This is therefore unusual IVA post-chemo if previous cycles are to go by.
We need to keep an eye on things as it's vital he maintains his weight to ensure he keeps as healthy as possible. No amount of tempting with sweets can help at the moment, although we're keen for him to eat proper food before he even thinks of sweets and chocolate. Having said that, the fact that he's not even keen on eating sweets, not even as a bribe for eating baked beans or spaghetti, is a little worrying. Perhaps a call to the hospital for advice tomorrow shall be in order.
We're off to a play group specific to oncology kids tomorrow. Having written those words, it's suddenly dawned on me how strange a sentence it is and the thought that you never think you're ever going to have to write or say them! Anyway, on the week's Leo is well, he's able to go to an oncology-specific play session at the hospital every Wednesday for two hours and then again to this other one run by a charity over in Kingswood, Bristol, every Thursday afternoon. Today was lovely at the hospital playroom where they had outside 'artistes' entertaining the children with art, crafts and lots of music. The team were very talented at playing instruments as well as making songs up on the hoof. Fab morning and lots of fun for Leo and the other children.

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