Sunday, October 19, 2008

Home Again

Home after a few days at the hospital and Leo is better for it, although still not eating, not really drinking all that much milk and still has a mighty cough, especially when he goes to bed.

So only five days until Leo starts his final round of chemo and actually, PJ and I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. Amazing what a few sleeping tablets can do for your mood, isn't it?

Of course, there'll be bumps along the road from here on in, but it's how we deal with them as to whether those bumps will be mole hills or mountains. Life won't ever be 'normal' again, but I actually quite like thinking we've been given a (really nasty) kick up the backside and so we're having to not take anything for granted any longer.

Leo's looking forward to starting school (nursery) again and said he wanted to walk to school which is what we did in Spain. Alas, unless he can walk about 3.5 miles each way, then this won't be happening. Shame as we loved being able to stroll on down to King's College, in the sunshine most mornings and afternoons. Oh, what a school run that was. Well, it wasn't a run so much as a gentle stroll with sun glasses on!

Back to the Royal Marsden for a check up, post-radiotherapy and so we're keen to find out what they say about the ultra light-sensitivity Leo still has.

Tomorrow's a new day, and we're looking forward to it.

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