Leo, Leo, Leo! He is so excited...oh, and by the way, so are PJ and I! Disneyland tomorrow but this a picture of Leo yesterday at our friend's daughter's first birthday party. If Leo had a full head of hair, you'd have thought he was just another normal child with no worries in the world. And actually if you look very, very, very carefully his hair is certainly growing back and his eyebrows and eyelashes are most certainly back! The most lovely thing though is that now when he smiles, you really feel like he is smiling, not just trying to be brave. His eyes are really smiling, not just his mouth. He is starting to be a happy, little boy again.
And so tomorrow, we're off to Disney and I think I am actually more excited about the thought of seeing Leo (and PJ's) face when we walk through the gates and into Main Street for the first time. And how about the first time Leo sees Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Goofey and Buzz Lightyear!! Will certainly be taking sleeping tablets tonight.
Leo's managed to suppress how excited he is and he's already in bed, asleep on a lovely, full tummy. Finally, both today and yesterday, he has eaten what would be considered a 'normal' amount of food for a boy his age...and that's the first time we can say he's eaten consistently for two consecutive days since the beginning of August; over four months. So fingers crossed we have got the eating thing down!
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