Sunday, February 15, 2009

Waiting for Tomorrow

Tomorrow's sees Leo's next MRI scan, again under another general anaesthetic. It'll be the second after his treatment ended and as his oncologist is on holiday this week, we'll have to harass another doctor to look at the pictures tomorrow so as we won't have to wait until his doc returns.

He is still complaining about a pain in his head, has not wanted to eat for the last two days and has a low-grade temperature again of between 37.8 and 38 degrees. He also is not interested in going out anywhere regardless of how much we tempt him.

So whilst he was very good about taking the week's course of antibiotics for the confirmed strep infection he had in his eye and throat, perhaps he has not had enough drugs to kill the bug and it's on its way back? Who knows? Could it be something else instead? Again, who knows?

Tomorrow's another day and Leo's just gone to bed knowing he's having 'wobbly juice' again so fingers crossed all goes well with the anaesthetic and everything else...

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