Then off to see my sister-in-law Julia again for the final time on her stay in the UK as she's back to Dubai with baby Sophie later in the month. Leo had fun playing with Julia's friend's children up on the Downs in Bristol. Lovely afternoon albeit a bit tricky with Leo trying to get used to playing with other children again. Plus Rachel, Julia's friend who lives here in Bristol has three children who are lovely; the eldest is four so it was inevitable that she had soooo many questions including the opening question of 'why has he got no hair?' as soon as we walked in the door! The innocence and purity of young children is quite refreshing really and she was such a sweetie.
This afternoon included dropping PJ off at his parents has he's been sick all afternoon so has to stay away from Clic House for at least 48 hours and away from Leo also. Hope he manages to get some much needed sleep and rest, but he'll no doubt be worrying about us .... no need, if you're reading this, PJ!! Go to bed!
Dinner was a few chips and lots of garlic bread. Maybe not the healthiest food in the world, but food all the same. Followed by watching numerous Mutant Ninja Hero Turtles shows including one called Leonardo, who Leo keeps reminding me he was nearly called, but it would have been after da Vinci not the Turtle!
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