Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sausages x 4

Have you noticed a theme to this week's postings? Food, food and a bit more food. Today the food intake for Leo has been four sausages and a bread and butter sandwich, all washed down with a little milk.

A busy day for all. Leo had some IV antibiotics this morning at the hospital plus we had a meeting with the Clic Sargent Social Worker to discuss some forms for grants to help with costs towards increased travel, parking and overall living expenses. After that, off to Bath we went, to see Ainslie and Matilda, which I think because Leo had sausages there last time, that's what he wanted this time. He ate four sausages and was a happy and entertaining boy, which was nice to see; he enjoys Ainslie and she's always been fond of Leo. Then we drove back to Clic House to see Conor, Lily and Faye, who had come to play and have some tea.

PJ is still not well and is having a well-earned break to recover. If I had my way (stubborn), I'd make him stay at his Mum's for at least a week to give him a proper break but I think he'd stress too much about Leo, so we'll have to wait and see!

Tomorrow's another day...

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