Saturday, January 23, 2010

Medical Update and other things

Leo's most recent MRI and his chest x-ray this month have both been unchanged so we're smiling a-plenty! Now the snow has gone, he's even done lots of days at school in amongst all the hospital visits and we're there again Thursday; this time it's the turn of the neuroendocrine people to decide where we're up to in terms of Leo's growth. Cannot remember for sure but we think he's put on some weight (and is eating brilliantly right now) and we think he's grown about 2-3 cms since last time so fingers crossed they'll decide he's done enough to stay away from the hormone treatment for now. Surely if he's exercising and eating really healthily then we can somehow trick his body into growing and thriving without the need for injections or intervention right now?

Anyway, he's doing brilliantly and was awarded his Little Star Award from Cancer Research UK in front of the school and TV crew last week, and has also been in the local newspaper - we're all very proud and even his school friends gave him a huge round of applause which was lovely. His school are very family friendly and have a family assembly on Fridays and so we took great pleasure in joining the children and other parents in applauding Leo for his bravery.

It's Leo's 5th birthday this Wednesday and this last year has come around actually rather quickly, despite all the stresses which post-treatment brings. I remember this time last year almost being convinced we'd not be fortunate enough to celebrate another birthday with Leo, but he's doing so brilliantly now, that I just think his 6th birthday will be an even bigger celebration.

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